I sincerely appreciate your purchase of our BreatheEasy Lung & Abs Exerciser (ASIN B00WQAEMGK / UPC 881314841110)! All of my products exist because they helped me first. The BreatheEasy is no exception!
I share that story in my two testimonials in this eBook, which also contains tips for using and cleaning, an introduction to breathing health and wellness, plus a myriad of my favorite expert voices on YouTube in case you're looking for more depth into the latest understanding and research.
PLEASE feel free to DUPLICATE this eBook as much as you would like and share with anyone that you think would benefit. It's primarily for education which is the beginning of the body being able to heal itself. I only require that it's shared in its entirety, that no changes are made and proper credit is given to me. Other than that, you're welcome to share it as you wish! Thanks!