Grandma used silver dollars to keep water and milk safe

by B.G.

Silver dollar for safe water and milk

Silver dollar for safe water and milk

Great info on Colloidal Silver.

My grandparents lived in the Florida Everglades back in the early 1900. They didn't even have electricity at first.

My Grandmother would place a Silver Dollar in the water barrels; their water supply from their well. She also placed them in the milk containers after milking the cows. She was rarely ever sick and lived to be 98 years old.

She told me way back then that she placed the Silver Dollars there to prevent bacteria from forming.

Comments for Grandma used silver dollars to keep water and milk safe

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Jul 12, 2019
Colloidal silver
by: Anonymous

Sailors used to put silver coins in their casks of water to make it potable.

Jul 06, 2014
I wonder how your grandma knew about to put silver in water
by: Emme

BG, I wonder how your grandmother knew to put the silver coin in the water. I wonder how common it was and wish there was a way to find out. I have no lab access but it would be interesting to see what a silver coin does to contaminated water. Just think what that could mean if one's only available water source is a creek or old well (our well water has been tested and is contaminated w/pesticides).

In my daughter's most recent Equus magazine (issue 440 May 2014) there is a long article about using medicinal honey to treat wounds. The author gives several examples of it being used successfully to treat serious cuts and gouges (large open wounds down to the bone) in horses. It discusses some of the current research, the differences in honey (manuka honey from New Zealand and others) and how it is being used to treat wounds such as decubitis ulcers in humans. It advises against using grocery store honey because of the bacteria in it. It also is proving to be effective (this is amazing) in treating MRSA.

I think going this way - finding answers through nature - makes a lot more sense than pumping toxic chemicals into people and animals.

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